A Life of Torment (By: Huda Khokar)

13/11/2012 00:07

    It is said that it takes only one event to cause someone to realise their mistakes. On October 10th, a fifteen year old girl by the name of Amanda Todd committed suicide.  It all started when the young teen "flashed" someone, via Skype, who in turn released her photos to the internet. Every school Amanda went to, the man would release pictures of her and told her that if she didn't send more photos he would show them to everyone. Amanda was tormented by her peers and cyber bullied. There were Facebook groups about her and nude pictures of her released all over the web, all a silent reminder of her mistakes. All of these events linked together formed a chain of depression and anxiety; she began drinking and doing drugs to help her overcome her depression, and was getting professional help as well such as consulting a counsellor; but in the end, it was not enough. Amanda Todd eventually broke down and hung herself after posting a video explaining to the world her story on YouTube.

    This event was tragic, but can also be a lesson for many young teens whether you are in the same position as Amanda was, or maybe even one of the bullies, go up and say hello to the kid that sits alone. Bullying is a large problem in our society that continues to happen, whether in school or out of school, remember Amanda Todd and give someone who feels alone a lift up and someone to talk to.