Badminton Open Gym at Mountain (By: Peter Kaczmarek)

24/01/2013 15:16

    Badminton season is soon starting and the R.E. Mountain students are preparing by practicing afterschool. Mrs. Yoon is hosting the Open gym badminton practices at 7:30-9:30pm every Tuesday. All the January open gym days have already passed but all Tuesdays in February are available for any student to participate. Any student from R.E. Mountain can drop in and play as long as they possess they’re own racket to play with. Birdies will be provided and a friend from another school can tag along as long as he/she brings a toonie to give to Mrs. Yoon. When asked about why the open gym practices are so late Mrs. Yoon responded by explaining that because of basketball season, there just isn’t enough gym time for any earlier sessions. Furthermore, Mrs. Yoon is unavailable to supervise and host the practices during any other day of the week. Additionally, it isn’t officially badminton season so Mrs. Yoon is not permitted to host tryouts or practices but she believes that the students should start practicing and participating which is why she started the open gym sessions. Tryouts will start sometime in late February and even though all the January open gym sessions are over, you can still show up to any of the February Tuesday open gym sessions to get prepared for badminton season.

By: Peter Kaczmarek