Fredericton Brings up Females-only Parking Stalls

13/11/2012 01:14


            Around these days, the Fredericton city counselor, Stephen Chase, proposed the idea of females-only parking stalls, creating a debate in the city.

With his hopes of promoting security and safety of women drivers, Counselor Stephen Chase is looking forward of creating the females-only parking stalls.

            Yet, his proposal was found in a very unique way.

Coun. Stephen Chase was determined to bring this issue after noticing the gender-specific parking stalls, while having his recent trip to Germany. In Triberg, Germany, may visited the Coun. Stephen Chase in his recent trip, the place well-known for the men-only parking stalls.

However, created by such gender-specified parking stalls, the number of accusation of sexism and atmosphere sexism are growing, day by day in Germany. This is the reason why Coun. Stephen Chase has to reconsider about his issue before bringing up the surface.

According to Germany’s The local, men are definitely seen as a better driver and are assumed to perform their abilities to park their vehicles in angled, narrow space. However, it is definitely true that not all men are good driver and they cannot be assumed to have such ability; this fact is considered a reason for the creation of the men-only parking stalls.

Unlike the 12 spaces set aside for women, which are wider, well-lit, and closer to the exit, the men's spaces require the driver to pull in at an angle, and avoid hitting cement pillars. They are an "attraction" for any ambitious driver, Strobel told the daily Süddeutsche Zeitung.

But men are, as a rule, a little better at such challenges, he told the paper.” (The Local)

            Nevertheless, contrasting from the Germany’s stance on the parking stall issue, Fredericton is supporting convenience, safety and security of all women drivers.

            Fredericton city counselor, Stephen Chase, however, is now willing his proposal to be examined by the city.

            However, it is not an issue about any wider, narrower, convenient nor hard space to park. It is an issue about people’s safety and comfort in their mind.

            Another history of Canada is now being recorded!