Take Our Kids To Work Day (By: Nika Moeini)

07/11/2012 01:45

On November 7th, 2012, the 18th annual Take Our Kids To Work Day took place. Organized by The Learning Partnership of Scotiabank, the event involves more than 250,000 students annually, teaching students the importance of continuous learning in pursuing career opportunities and showing them the wide range of options available to them after their secondary education.


It also provides grade 9 students with the opportunity to gain a greater appreciation of their parent’s jobs, as well as see the realities and demands of the workplace while directly linking classroom and workplace experiences. The activities students participate in at class before and after this day helps them build on it, as well as gain introductory information that will be further discussed and analyzed in Planning 10.


For parents, this is a great chance to share an experience with their children and enrich their children with their experiences of work. Employers also benefit from this day by obtaining the opportunity to showcase their works and to connect with members of tomorrow’s workforce, while employees can demonstrate how they work and the skills they require to work effectively.


Overall, Take Our Kids to Work Day is a great canadian tradition, and R.E Mountain Secondary students were very excited to be a part of this great event.